Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Red Shoulder Hawks, Red Tail Hawks, Peregrine Falcons, Brown Eagles???

I need the help of all you Caffe Primo Birders identifying these rare birds I saw from my kitchen window tonight. Thanks for all your help.


  1. I would guess that is probably the "rarely" seen zenaida macroura. Better check that off your life list!

  2. From the profile of the bird and the shape of the tail the most likely guess is zenaida macroura. Second most likely is the common pigeon. The apparent uniformity of feather color pushes the guess away from common pigeon toward zenaida macroura. The raptors you mention would be about four times the size of these fellows. However we can't avoid the possibility that one or all are drones being tested by one of our famous San Diego aerospace companies. Did you experience a potent desire to confess your sins and politically incorrect thoughts as you beheld them. I think I see delicate antennae on some of these guys.

  3. Not only that, but I am pretty sure that the sixth bird from the top left is a kestrel in a dove suit.

  4. Michael CartwrightJuly 26, 2013 at 2:01 AM

    Frequenting our backyard bird feeder, in addition to Mourning Dove, are Ring-Neck Dove. They're larger, lighter colored and have a black ring around their neck. Their call is an irritating, Model A-like "Ah-oogah!" The birds in your photo look closer to this lighter color. However, I've only witnessed both species traveling in pairs. I've never before seen dove in a group like this.

  5. Can't see enough detail in this image, but possible band-tailed pigeons. We have been seeing a lot of them in our area...and they will hang out in small groups. They are a huge nuisance at our feeders, eating everything in site and scaring away all the other birds..
